The Mountain Girl - Part 02
by Payne Erskine (1854 - 1924)
In which Frale returns and listens to the Complaints of Decatur Irwin's Wife - 30:17
In which David Thryng meets an Enemy - 20:32
In which David Thryng Awakes - 19:55
In which David sends Hoke Below on a Commission, and Cassandra makes a Confession - 24:08
In which the Bishop and his Wife pass an Eventful Day at the Fall Place - 22:49
In which the Summer Passes - 24:25
In which David takes little Hoyle to Canada - 13:56
In which Doctor Hoyle speaks his Mind - 12:15
In which David Thryng has News from England - 14:26
In which David Thryng visits his Mother - 23:13
In which David Thryng adjusts his Life to New Conditions - 25:53
In which the Old Doctor and Little Hoyle come back to the Mountains - 24:08
In which Frale returns to the Mountains - 31:29
In which Cassandra visits David Thryng's Ancestors - 25:10
In which Cassandra goes to Queensderry and takes a Drive in a Pony Carriage - 28:04
In which David and his Mother do not Agree - 27:32
In which Cassandra brings the Heir of Daneshead Castle back to her Hilltop, and the Shadow Lifts - 32:27